Virtual CONfab 2023 Vid Show

This page will auto-refresh when the countdown ends. The show should start playing, but you may need to hit play manually. Warnings are displayed below each vid, and you can also select any vids you don't want to see based on warnings on the Warnings tab, which will appear once the show starts. Our full warnings policy can be found here.

Night mode can be toggled on and off while a vid is playing. You can use a Cast browser extension to cast the page to your TV.

You will stay approximately in sync with other viewers, but due to differences in buffering speeds, you may see increasing differences between you and other viewers as the show progresses. If you feel you are significantly lagging behind other viewers, we recommend you refresh the page during vids you don't want to watch so Conline can catch you up.

This event can be accessed by all members of the con:

  1. Create a conline account
  2. Join
  3. Come back here!